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Kubota SVL97-2

Kubota SVL97-2 vs CASE TV450B

Deciding Between the Kubota SVL97-2 or the CASE TV450B?

In the market for a compact track loader in Springdale, Arkansas? Looking at a Kubota SVL97-2 and a CASE TV450B, but you can’t come to a decision between the two? Here at Springdale Tractor Company, we’ve seen firsthand just how versatile the Kubota SVL97-2 is and we’d love to showcase just a few areas where it goes above and beyond the capabilities of the TV450B. Let’s take a look at some features! 

Definition of Heavy-Duty

First and foremost, you’re looking for a product that is designed to last, not something that fumbles under pressure. Thanks to its integrated mainframe and undercarriage, steel paneling and durable loader arm with vertical and radial functionality, the Kubota SVL97-2 promises to stick with you through thick and thin. Kubota’s outstanding reputation for durability lets you put your full-faith into the SVL97-2 and you’ll be tackling larger jobs than ever before behind its controls. Inside the operator’s station, you’ll find a width of 36-inches from side screen to side screen, giving you plenty of room to stretch out with the cool breeze of an open cab, or the climate-controlled comfort of the optional closed cab. Ergonomic controls help you combat fatigue as you work through the day and your back will be singing the deluxe suspension seat’s praises when the job is said and done.

But how does it compare to the CASE TV450B and its durability? The CASE TV450B sports a similar degree of heavy-duty construction, but Kubota’s integrated mainframe and undercarriage really stands out in this matchup. Despite all of its protection and durability, the Kubota SVL97-2 manages to give you a comfortable experience, something its CASE competitor doesn’t fully achieve. Better ground clearance, dominant durability and unmatched comfort... The Kubota SVL97-2 has everything you’re looking for.

Get the Most From Your Equipment

Current power output not doing it for you? Worried that your next track loader will just be more of the same? The Kubota SVL97-2 sweeps all that worry away. Just how much horsepower does the Kubota SVL97-2 have? The SVL97-2 and its Kubota-built engine give you access to an undaunted 96.4 horsepower, plenty of power to tackle even the largest jobs. You’ll easily maneuver the Kubota loader with standard features such as two-speed travel, electronic torque travel management and one-way self level. A higher tipping load and ROC ensure the SVL97-2 keeps up with your demands when working under heavy-pressure and its 7,961 pound breakout force maximizes your efficiency and precision when on the job.

But how much horsepower does the CASE TV450B have? The TV450B sports a 90 horsepower rating, courtesy of a Fiat Powertrain engine (FPT). Our take? A manufacturer’s quality is shown when they choose to build their equipment from the ground-up and Kubota does just that with the SVL97-2. Both compact track loaders start their auxiliary hydraulic flow in the same ballpark, but Kubota lets you max out at an available 40 gpm flow, compared to 37 gpm in the CASE TV450B, and when it comes to hydraulics, small numbers can amount to everything. Extend your productivity with the SVL97-2 and its larger fuel tank, higher loader hydraulic pressure and versatile range of performance matched attachments and implements! 

Front Runner: Kubota SVL97-2!

Interested in coming on by to get a closer look at the Kubota SVL97-2? We’d be more than happy to walk you around the SVL97-2 and answer any questions you may have right here at Springdale Tractor Company! You can give us a call, use the locations tab at the top of the page for directions to our store or fill out our Get a Quote form below and our team will reach out to you with more information. We hope to do business with you at Springdale Tractor Company, located in Springdale, Arkansas!

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